Hal Leonard Vocal Competition 2021


It has been much too long since I last posted, but I have exciting news!

I once again participated in the Hal Leonard Vocal Competition, this time in the teenage division (I also participated last year). I competed in two categories – Art Songs and Musical Theatre. I placed as a finalist in the Art Songs and as a Semi-Finalist in the Musical Theatre. I was so thrilled to hear this news! Special thanks to my wonderful voice teacher, Ms. M, as I could not have done this without her help and guidance. I look forward to competing again next year!

Here are the links to my performances, if you would like to check them out:

Winter Voice Recital!

This past weekend I performed at my final voice recital of the year! It was once again held virtually, and I was so lucky to have my grandparents and my piano teacher, Ms. Irina, present in the Zoom room. I performed Nella Fantasia, which is the song constructed off the theme from the movie The Mission (I recently watched it and sobbed for two hours, wow, what a powerful film). Additionally, I once again recorded my own track on the piano – thank you so much, Ms. Irina, for your help with that! Below is a recording, please leave a comment with your thoughts!

Merry Christmas, Veselé Vánoce, and Happy Holidays!

Back to Horses!

I’m back to riding horses! There, I said it – and boy, it feels so good! However, I have left behind my jumping days and am now training exclusively in dressage. I am so fortunate to be able to take lessons at a private barn with my incredible coach, Ms. Laura. And then, of course, there’s Brembo – the magical and wonderful Chincoteague pony who I have the honor to ride. He’s actually a descendant of Misty of Chincoteague!

I have gone to two shows thus far, in which we have placed second both times. Additionally, in our last show we were the Champion reserve – woohoo!

In addition to riding, I have been working at the barn for a couple hours every Sunday morning. It’s so much fun!

I cannot wait to start showing again in the Spring. Below is a picture of Brembo (who we like to fondly call Mr. Eye Candy).

Fall Voice Recital!

Due to the phenomenal technology we have today, I was able to perform at and attend my voice recital in October! I performed Touch the Sky from Brave, and recorded my own track on the piano. Additionally, I was so lucky that I could be joined by my grandparents in the Czech Republic, and a friend from Illinois. It was truly a magical moment!

Here is the recording from my recital – please leave a comment below and let me know what you think!

New Podcast!

Hey all! I recently started a podcast called “How To: A Guide to the Most Ridiculous Arts of Life”. Here on this show we take completely normal daily tasks, and blow them into some crazily mind-boggling and way-too-complicated scenarios. Join us as we enjoy the little things in life.

Below is the link to the podcast – please check it out and let me know what you think!

How To: A Guide to the Most Ridiculous Arts of Life Link

Hal Leonard Vocal Competition

Life has been really crazy recently, hasn’t it? Personally, I’ve been keeping busy with my music. I submitted to the Hal Leonard vocal competition, a last-minute project that I had a ton of fun working on! My wonderful voice teacher Ms. M helped me prepare and was really flexible in setting up extra lessons. I submitted to two categories – Musical Theatre and Art Songs.

I recently received the results of the competition, and it turns out that in the Musical Theatre category I was a semifinalist, and in the art songs category I was a finalist! I was really excited about this. For the musical theatre category I had sung Reflection (from Mulan) and Born To Entertain (from Ruthless), and for the art songs I sang Ho! Mr. Piper and Oh, Shenendoah. Here are the recordings!

Musical Theatre Songs

Art Songs

My Debut Recital With Mr. Pu!

These past few months have been full of a lot of wonderful surprises and achievements. Rewinding back to summer, I was lucky enough to be able to attend the first annual Atlanta Festival Academy and there I met my now teacher Mr. William Pu, the former Associate Concertmaster of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Over the past few months I have been working with him on Haydn’s Violin Concerto No. 2, and finally it was ready enough to perform. I had my debut recital with Mr. Pu last weekend, and I was so excited! Here is the recording: